Puntacana International School
Colegio PrivadoInformación del Ranking
Ranking General
Calificación Promedio
Ranking Matemáticas
Ranking Ciencias
Ranking Humanidades
Ranking Español
Grupo Puntacana was founded more than 50 years ago with the vision of creating a community for sustainable tourism. As part of this vision, it became apparent that there was a need for quality education in the area for the local Dominican population as well as the foreign community. Puntacana International School was opened in 2000 to fulfill this need.
Puntacana International School is recognized by the Dominican Ministry of Education (MINERD). The Spanish curriculum follows the official programs of the MINERD, and the U.S. Common Core State Standards for English curriculum. As well as the Next Generation Science Standards of international schools. The school is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), recognized for its high standards of excellence in international education.
We are dedicated to the continuous growth and improvement of our programs and the school at large. For the past ten years, our process of continuous improvement has allowed us to consistently deliver quality international education.
Nuestro ranking realiza un promedio ponderado favoreciendo STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemática) desglosado de la siguiente manera: 60% matemáticas, 20% ciencias, 10% lengua española, 10% sociales.
Puntacana International School
Dirección: Ave. Coralillo, frente a la Iglesia. Puntacana Village
Teléfono: 809-959-3382
Website: https://www.puntacanainternationalschool.com/
Contacto: [email protected]
Distrito: HIGUEY